It is very troubling to see that instead of finding ways to establish a public health care system that would address this problem, the House of Representatives can only come up with a copy and paste Reproductive Health Bill. It does not solve anything. Opponents to this bill raised these major points:
- The bill is based on wrong premises. The study of Nobel-prize winner, Simon Kuznets, later confirmed in other studies, found no correlation between population growth and poverty,
- The bill takes away limited government funds from treating many high priority medical and food needs and transfers them to fund harmful and deadly devices.
- Leading secular social scientists like Nobel prize winner, George Akerlof and US National Defense Consultant, Lionel Tiger, have found that contraceptives have harmful social effects (abortion, adultery, female impoverishment, fatherless children, teenage pregnancies, and immorality).
Kudos to you for posting this! By doing so, you have entered the narrow gate where few dare to enter. "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." Mt 7:13
ReplyDeleteHello Dolly, thank you for your vote of confidence. I really believe that this RH bill is a very dangerous path for our country to take.